X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 Bluetooth Board


ST X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 Bluetooth Nucleo Arduino Shield Genişleme Kartı

BlueNRG for STM32 Board Nucleo

Arduino UNO R3 uyumludur.


     The X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 is a Bluetooth low energy evaluation board to allow expansion of the STM32 Nucleo boards. It is compatible with the Arduino UNO R3 connector layout, and is designed around BlueNRG, a Bluetooth low energy, low power network coprocessor compliant with BTLE 4.0 and the BALF-NRG-01D3, an ultra miniature balun optimized for ST BlueNRG RF IC, which integrates matching network and harmonics filter.

     The X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 interfaces with the STM32 MCU via SPI pin, and the user can change the default SPI clock, the SPI chip select and SPI IRQ by changing one resistor on the evaluation board. The excellent performance of BlueNRG and the best matching between BlueNRG and BALF-NRG-01D3, X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 passed the RF TEST for Japan Radio Law certification with higher margin above the specification values as well as it is FCC certified (FCC ID: S9NIDB04A1).


Key Features:

  • BlueNRG low power, low energy Bluetooth network coprocessor
  • BALF-NRG-01D3 balun & harmonic filter
  • Free comprehensive development firmware library and example for BlueNRG, compatible with STM32Cube firmware
  • Bluetooth low energy 4.0 master and slave compliant
  • Compatible with STM32 Nucleo boards
  • Equipped with Arduino UNO R3 connector
  • Very low power consumption: 7.3 mA RX and 8.2 mA TX at +0 dBm
  • Maximum transmission power: +8 dBm
  • Excellent receiver sensitivity (-88 dBm)
  • X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 is FCC certified (FCC ID: S9NIDB04A1)
  • X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 is officially certificated as a BTLE 5mW module for Japan Radio Law “TYPE” Certification by Japan government
  • RoHS compliant


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Doğrulama Kodu

X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 Bluetooth Board

  • Fiyat : 365,00TL
  • KDV Dahil : 438,00TL

Etiketler: ST, X-NUCLEO-IDB04A, Bluetooth, Nucleo, Arduino, Shield, Genişleme Kartı, BlueNRG, STM32, Board, Nucleo