ST NUCLEO-F401RE Nucleo Kit

STM32G474RE Arm Cortex M4 84 MHz Mcu STM32 Geliştirme Kartı ST-LINK V2 Arduino 512Kb Flash


     The STM32 Nucleo-64 board provides an affordable and flexible way for users to try out new concepts and build prototypes by choosing from the various combinations of performance and power consumption features, provided by the STM32 microcontroller. For the compatible boards, the external SMPS significantly reduces power consumption in Run mode.

     The ARDUINO® Uno V3 connectivity support and the ST morpho headers allow the easy expansion of the functionality of the STM32 Nucleo open development platform with a wide choice of specialized shields.

     The STM32 Nucleo-64 board does not require any separate probe as it integrates the ST-LINK debugger/programmer.

     The STM32 Nucleo-64 board comes with the STM32 comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube MCU Package.



  •     Microcontroller: STM32 in LQFP64 package
  •         Core: ARM Cortex M4 32-bit
  •         Clock frequency: 84 MHz
  •         Flash memory: 512 KB
  •         SRAM: 96 KB
  •         Analog-to-digital Converter: 12-bit, 10-channel
  •         Number Of Timers: 10
  •         Number of programmable I/o: 81
  •         Interfaces: 3x I2C, 3x USART, 4x SPI, USB 2.0 Full Speed
  •     Two types of connectors:
  •         Connectors for shields compatible with Arduino Uno Rev3
  •         Standard pins STMicroelectronics Morpho enabling the access to the pins of the microcontroller
  •     The module is compatible with the system mbed (
  •     The debugger ST-Link/V2 is placed on the board with the possibility to work as a standalone device with the SWD output
  •     The possibility to power through USB connector
  •     Embedded three LEDs:
  •         1 x for indication of supply voltage
  •         1 x for indicating the connection
  •         1 x at the user's disposal
  •     Two buttons:
  •         1 x RESET
  •         1 x at the user's disposal
  •     Three different interfaces via connector miniUSB (USB re-enumeration):
  •         Virtual COM port
  •         Mass memory
  •         Port for programming/debugging
  •     The module supports most of the popular environments, i.a.: IAR, Keil and the platforms based on GCC compiler


Paket İçeriği:

  • 1 Adet NUCLEO-F401RE Kit

Dikkat = Paket içerisinden mini usb kablo çıkmaz.


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Doğrulama Kodu


  • Fiyat : 876,00TL
  • KDV Dahil : 1.051,20TL

Etiketler: ST, NUCLEO-F401RE, Nucleo, Kit, STM32G474RE,  Arm, Cortex M4, 84 MHz, Mcu, STM32, Geliştirme Kartı, ST-LINK V2, Arduino, 512Kb Flash