XL4015 Voltmetreli 5A Voltaj Düşürücü


XL4015 Voltmetreli 5A Step-Down Ayarlı Power Modülü


  •      Modül üzerinde mavi çok turlu pot bulunmaktadır. Saatin tersi yönünde 10-15 tam tur döndürürseniz giriş voltajının düşmeye başladığını görürsünüz.
  •      IN+ IN-  = Voltaj giriş pinleridir. Out+ Out- = Voltaj çıkış pinleridir.
  •      Sol buton voltmetreyi displayi açıp kapatmaktadır. Sağ buton voltmetre için seçim işlevi görmektedir. Butona basıldıkça giriş voltajı yada çıkış voltajı voltmetrede gösterilmektedir.


     This DC-DC buck converter xl4015 voltage regulator board features an XL4015 step-down switching regulator capable of current up to 5A, capable of converting higher voltage to a lower voltage, without requiring additional power supply.

     The module with a voltage meter to display the input voltage and output voltage, and the voltage can be corrected through the button to improve the accuracy of the voltmeter.

     The DC/DC buck module applications the input voltage is higher than the output voltage of the buck field, such as battery, power transformer, DIY adjustable regulated power supply, LCD Monitor and LCD TV,portable instrument power supply,telecom/networking equipment,24Vvehicle notebook power supply,industrial equipment buck.12V buck to 3.3V, 12V buck to 5V, 24V buck to 5V,24V buck to 12V, 36V buck to 24V etc.

     This product is a 180 KHz fixed frequency PWM buck (step-down) DC/DC module,capable of driving a 5A load with high efficiency, low ripple and excellent line and load regulation.

     Module highlights:5A high power.high efficiency and low ripple with power indicator !


  •     Input voltage range:4-38VDC(Note:input voltage not exceeding 38V)
  •     Output voltage range:1.25-36VDC adjustable
  •     Output current: 0-5A
  •     Output power: 75W
  •     Voltmeter range: 4 to 40V, error ±0.1V
  •     Operating temperature: -40 ~ +85 degrees
  •     Operating frequency: 180KHz
  •     High efficiency up to 96%
  •     Built in thermal shutdown function
  •     Built in current limit function
  •     Built in output short protection function
  •     Load regulation: S (I) ? 0.8% (input 24V, output 12V, load from 1 ~ 4.5A change measured)
  •     Voltage regulation: S (u) ? 0.8% (output 12V, 4A, the voltage from 18 ~ 32V measured when)
  •     Short-circuit protection: Yes (limit current 8A)
  •     Power indicator: Yes
  •     Over-temperature protection: Yes (automatic shutdown after over-temperature output)
  •     Input reverse polarity protection: None, (if necessary, input high current diode in series)
  •     Boyutlar: 6,6 x 3,9 x 1.8 cm
  •     Ağırlık: 30gr



     The DC/DC buck module applications the input voltage is higher than the output voltage of the buck field, such as battery, power transformer, DIY adjustable regulated power supply, LCD Monitor and LCD TV,portable instrument power supply,telecom/networking equipment,24V vehicle notebook power supply,industrial equipment buck.12V buck to 3.3V, 12V buck to 5V, 24V buck to 5V,24V buck to 12V, 36V buck to 24V etc.


 1.When the module output voltage can not be adjusted, the output  voltage is always equal to the input voltage.Please adjust the potentiometer counterclockwise 20 laps or more. (Let potentiometer against your chest, counterclockwise turn boost) .  
2. Input voltage must be higher than the output voltage of 1.5v or more
3. high current or high power needed to enhance heat dissipation


1. LED power indicator.
2. Button to switch measurement of the input or output voltage, and LED indicates the current measurement of the input or output voltage; 7 segment display can be turned off by another button. Mentioned states are able to be memorized, is not lost even if the power is disconnected. (On-board marked "IN" LED is turned on, 7 segment display input voltage value, "OUT" LED bright display is the output voltage value).
3. Special launch, the voltmeter calibration function, will never exist voltmeter inaccurate!


Voltmeter calibration method:
(1) Output voltage calibration steps

Step 1, adjust the right button so that "OUT" LED lighted, the voltmeter shows the value of output voltage; Press the right button for more than 2 seconds, release, voltmeter and "OUT" LED flashes in synchronization so that you enter the output voltage calibration mode.

Step 2, press the right button (normal speed), the voltage value is adding up a unit; Press the left button, minus a unit; Due to a unit is less than 0.1V, the minimum voltage display to 0.1V, so you need to continuously press 1-5 times to see the voltmeter change 0.1V, how many times voltmeter change 0.1V by pressing the key, depending on the current display voltage, the higher the voltage, the fewer the number of press.

Step 3, press the right button for more than 2 seconds, release, to exit the output voltage calibration mode. All parameters set to automatically power down to save.

(2) Input voltage calibration steps

Step 1, adjust the right button so that "IN" LED lighted, the voltmeter shows the value of input voltage; press the right button for more than 2 seconds, release, voltmeter and "IN" LED flashes in synchronization so that you enter the input voltage calibration mode.

Steps 2 and 3, consistent with the output voltage calibration method.


Paket İçeriği :

  •     1 Adet XL4015 Voltmetreli Step-Down Power Modül


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Doğrulama Kodu

XL4015 Voltmetreli 5A Voltaj Düşürücü

  • Marka: OEM
  • Ürün Kodu: XL4015 Modül Voltmetreli
  • Stok Durumu: Stokta var
  • Fiyat : 152,00TL
  • KDV Dahil : 182,40TL

Etiketler: XL4015, 5A, Voltmetreli, Step-Down, Voltaj Düşürücü, Ayarlı, Güç Kaynağı, Power Modülü