STM32L0538-DISCO Geliştirme Kartı


ST  STM32L0538-DISCO Discovery Kit

Geliştirme Kartı STM32L053 Arm Cortex M0 Mcu E-paper 2,13 '' Ekran ST-LINK/V2 Line Touch Slide


     The STM32L053 discovery kit helps you to discover the ultra-low-power microcontrollers of the STM32L0 series. It offers everything required for beginners and experienced users to get started quickly and develop applications easily.

     Based on an STM32L053C8T6, it includes an ST-LINK/V2-1 embedded debug tool interface, linear touch sensor, touch keys, IDD current measurement, 2.04” E-paper display, NFC connector for PLUG-CR95HF-B board, LEDs, pushbuttons and a USB Mini-B connector.

     Development set built on the basis STM32L053C8T6 Low Power microcontroller with parameters: clock frequency: 32 MHz, 64 kB Flash, 8 kB RAM, ARM Cortex M0). The board also has an e-paper screen with diagonal 2.13" and a programmer / debugger ST-LINK/V2-1. For programming of the system there is aminiUSB cableand development environment. Installation of systems will be possible with abreadboardand connecting wires.



  • STM32L053C8T6 microcontroller 2 MHz, 64 KB of Flash memory, 8 KB RAM in an LQFP48 package.
  • On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 with selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone ST-LINK/V2-1
  • SWD connector for programming and debugging
  • 2.13" E-paper display, 122×250 pixels
  • Mbed™-enabled (
  • USB ST-LINK with re-enumeration capability and three different interfaces:
  • Board power supply: through USB bus or from an external 5 V supply voltage
  • External application power supply: 3 V and 5 V.
  • One linear touch sensor or four touchkeys.
  • IDD current measurement.
  • Four LEDs:  LD1 (red/green) for USB communication  /  LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power-on  /  Two user LEDs: LD3 (green), LD4 (red)
  • Two pushbuttons (user and reset)
  • Extension header for LQFP48 I/Os for a quick connection to the prototyping board and easy probing
  • Comprehensive free software including a variety of examples, part of STM32CubeL0 package
  • USB Mini-B connector
  • NFC expansion connector for the PLUG-CR95HF-B daughterboard
  • 2.54 mm pitch expansion header for direct access to various features of the STM32L053C8T6 microcontroller and easy probing of the LQFP48 I/Os
  • Support of a wide choice of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) including IAR Embedded Workbench®, MDK-ARM, and STM32CubeIDE


Paket İçeriği:

  • 1 Adet STM32L0538-DISCO Geliştirme Kartı

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Doğrulama Kodu

STM32L0538-DISCO Geliştirme Kartı

  • Fiyat : 1.277,50TL
  • KDV Dahil : 1.533,00TL

Etiketler: ST, STM32L0538-DISCO, Discovery, Kit, Geliştirme Kartı, STM32L053, Arm, Cortex M0, Mcu, E-paper, 2, 13 '' Ekran, ST-LINK/V2, Line Touch Slide