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Texas LAUNCHXL-F28069M TMS320F28069M LaunchPad
F28069M C2000 Piccolo Mcu 90 MHz 256Kb Flash Geliştirme Kartı XDS100v2 JTAG Debug Probe Programlayıcı
LAUNCHXL-F28069M is a low cost evaluation and development tool for the Piccolo F2806x series as well as the InstaSPIN-FOC and InstaSPIN-MOTION enabled Piccolo F2806x series in the TI MCU LaunchPad ecosystem which is compatible with various plug-on BoosterPacks. This extended version of the LaunchPad supports the connection of two BoosterPacks. The LaunchPad provides a standardized and easy to use platform to use while developing your next application.
- USB connected isolated XDS100v2 JTAG debug probe for real-time debug and flash programming
- 4x 20-pin headers/connectors
- Programmable buttons and LEDs
- TMS320F28069M: 90 MHz C28x CPU, 256 KB Flash, InstaSPIN-FOC and InstaSPIN-MOTION enabled, 12-bit ADC, CAN, 2x encoder interface (eQEP), UART, SPI, and more
- Supports two BoosterPacks
- Two encoder interface connectors
- Isolated CAN transceiver connector
Software features
- Free download of Code Composer Studio IDE
- Free download of MotorWare for InstaSPIN-FOC and InstaSPIN-MOTION example projects
- Free download of controlSUITE [and C2000Ware] for device drivers and example projects
- MathWorks Embedded Target Support
- Training video: two motors using LAUNCHXL-F28069M and two BOOSTXL-DRV8301
- solidThinking Embed Support
- Training Video: PMSM control series, including InstaSPIN-FOC
- Powersim PSIM Support
- InstaSPIN Processor-in-the-Loop (PIL) and code generation feature
Recommended BoosterPacks
- TI BoosterPack Checker for an interactive list of compatible BoosterPacks
Get started
- For InstaSPIN
- Download and install MotorWare.
- Run MotorWare.exe
- Browse resources and read Readme First for F28069M LaunchPad and any BoosterPack.
- Follow Training à InstaSPIN Projects and Labs User’s Guide.
- Install free GUI for instrumenting MotorWare projects.
- Watch 6 part training series or search for other training <make sure this link is correct with new updates).
- Ask questions on the TI C2000 InstaSPIN e2e forum.
- For non-InstaSPIN
- Install Code Composer Studio IDE and controlSUITE.
- Connect the LaunchPad using the included mini-USB cable to a computer.
- Open a serial terminal program of your choice (Putty, HyperTerm, etc.) and configure it to access the LaunchPad virtual COM port with 115200 Baud, 8-bit data, No parity, and single stop Bit. The COM port number can be found by opening your computer’s Device Manager.
- Ensure that the XDS200v2’s second port is a serial port. Refer to the XDS100 Wiki for the configuration details.
- When connected to your computer, the LaunchPad will power up and flash the red and blue LEDs for approximately 3 seconds. After the LEDs complete flashing, the LaunchPad will enter a temperature measurement mode.
- On startup, a reference temperature is recorded and stored. At one second intervals the temperature is sampled and compared with the reference temperature.
- If the temperature has increased, the red LED (D9) will light and will increase in intensity for each degree above the reference the temperature is.
- Conversely, if the temperature has decreased, the blue LED (D10) will light, and will increase in intensity for each degree below the reference the temperature is.
- The serial terminal will display the latest temperature reading.
- Build and load other examples in controlSUITE.
- Ask questions on the TI C2000 e2e forum.
What's Included
- Piccolo F28069M Launchpad
- Mini USB Cable
- Quick Start Guide