Infineon CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit

CY8C58LP ARM Cortex M3 80Mhz 256Kb Flash Capsense Geliştirme Kartı Kit Prog Programlayıcı Debugger

Featuring PSoC 5LP
     The CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit features the CY8C5888LTI-LP097 device from the PSoC 5LP family. PSoC 5LP is the industry’s most integrated programmable SoC, combining high-precision and programmable analog and digital peripherals with an ARM Cortex-M3 CPU in a single chip. Process sensor signals with the 24-bit hardware DFB coprocessor, offload traditional CPU tasks to the CPLD-based Universal Digital Blocks and increase system performance with the peripheral-to-peripheral DMA controller. Integrate high-precision custom 20-bit Analog Front Ends with the Programmable Analog Blocks including opamps, PGAs, filters, comparators, SAR and Delta-Sigma ADCs and the industry's best CapSense touch-sensing solution.

Design for Flexibility
     The kit provides access to all the PSoC 5LP device I/Os in a breadboard-compatible format. It features a micro-USB header for creating prototypes with Full Speed USB 2.0 connectivity. The kit is also designed with a convenient snappable form-factor, allowing users to separate the USB connector with the KitProg Programmer and Debugger from the target board to use them independently. Once done with the prototype, you're still left with a handy SWD programmer!

Low-Cost Programmer
     The kit includes Cypress's KitProg Programmer and Debugger. KitProg can program and debug the target PSoC 5LP device via SWD when using PSoC Creator or PSoC Programmer. It supports bridging over USB-UART and USB-I2C interfaces and also provides access to Micrium μC/Probe to read and write memory on the target device. When snapped away, this tiny USB board can be used as a KitProg programmer and debugger with any PSoC 3, PSoC 4 or PSoC 5LP device. The KitProg firmware is provided as a bootloader image that can be upgraded to develop custom applications for it.



  • The PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit consists of the following blocks:
  •  PSoC 5LP device
  •  PSoC 5LP header ports J1 and J2
  •  Micro-USB connector, J6
  •  PSoC 5LP program/debug JTAG header, J5
  •  KitProg (PSoC 5LP) device
  •  KitProg ports J8 and J9 (GPIO)
  •  SWD connection J3 and J7
  •  PCB USB connector
  •  One amber LED (Power)
  •  One green LED (Status)
  •  One blue LED (User)
  •  User push button and reset button
  •  External reference capacitors (ADC Bypass)
  •  CapSense capacitor (CMOD)
  •  Programming connector, J3
  •  Perforated ‘snappable’ board design
  •  Micro-USB connector to enable USB application development
  •  Onboard CMOD capacitors to enable CapSense® development
  •  Bypass capacitors to ensure the high-quality ADC conversions
  •  An LED to provide feedback
  •  A push button to provide a simple user input
  •  Load capacitors to connect 32-kHz external crystal oscillator
  •  3.3-V to 5.5-V operation
  •  PSoC Creator IDE
  •  USB-UART Bridge
  •  USB-I2C Bridge



  •     CY8CKIT-059 PSoC 5LP Prototyping Kit
  •     Quick Start Guide


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Doğrulama Kodu


  • Marka: INFINEON
  • Ürün Kodu: CY8CKIT-059
  • Stok Durumu: Stokta var
  • Fiyat : 1.159,00TL
  • KDV Dahil : 1.390,80TL

Etiketler: Infenion, CY8CKIT-059, PSoC, 5LP, Prototyping, Kit, CY8C58LP, ARM, Cortex, M3, 80Mhz, 256Kb, Flash, Capsense, Geliştirme, Kartı, Kit Prog, Programlayıcı, Debugger