SPF5189Z 50-4000 MHz RF Amplikatör

SPF5189Z 50-4000 MHz RF Amplikatör 20dB

RF Sinyal Kuvvetlendirici Düşük Gürültülü SPF5189 Geniş Band Dişi SMA


     Genel olarak orta ve yüksek frekanstaki rf sinyallerin kuvvetlendirilmesi işlemi için kullanılır. Alıcı devrelerde zayıf sinyallerden daha iyi sinyal elde edilmesi için tercih edilir.

     RF sinyal giriş ve çıkışlerı dişi SMA soket üzerinden yapılmaktadır. Ürün üzerindeki VCC ve GND padleri üzerinden ürün beslemesi yapılır. Besleme voltajı DC 5V tur.



  • Entegre: SPF5189Z
  • Frekans: 50-4000mhz   ( 50Mhz – 4Ghz )
  • Voltaj: DC 3V / 5V ( 2 adet pcb pad  deliğinden lehimlenerek kullanılır)
  • Akım: 100mA
  • Gürültü: 0.6 dB  ( 900 Mhz )
  • Gain: Maksimum 20dB
  • Maksimum güç: 660mW
  • Dişi SMA Soketler
  • Renk: Yeşil
  • Sıcaklık: -40C  / 85C
  • Boyutlar:  25mm x 34mm
  • Ağırlık: 7gr

Paket İçeriği :

•   1 Adet SPF5189Z 50-4000 MHz RF Amplikatör



     The SPF5189Z RF is a low noise RF Amplifier module which works on the 50-4000 MHz range. It features low noise figure and is mostly used as a high frequency or intermediate frequency preamplifier for a wide range of radio receivers, also amplifying circuits of highly sensitive electronic detection devices. In the case of amplifying a weak signal, the noise of the amplifier itself is very critical, so it is necessary to reduce it to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the output.
     A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is an electronic amplifier that amplifies a very low-power signal without significantly degrading its signal-to-noise ratio. A typical amplifier increases the power of both the signal and the noise present at its input, whereas LNAs are designed to amplify a signal while minimizing additional noise. Designers can minimize additional noise by using low-noise components, operating points, and circuit topologies. Minimizing additional noise must balance with other goals such as power gain and impedance matching.
     A radio frequency power amplifier (RF power amplifier) is a type of electronic amplifier that converts a low-power radio-frequency signal into a higher power signal. Typically, RF power amplifiers drive the antenna of a transmitter. Design goals often include gain, power output, bandwidth, power efficiency, linearity (low signal compression at rated output), input and output impedance matching, and heat dissipation.



  • This RF Amplifier features low noise figure, is a LNA RF Amplifier.
  • Generally used as a high frequency or intermediate frequency preamplifier for a wide range of radio receivers, as well as amplifying circuits of highly sensitive electronic detection devices.
  • In the case of amplifying weak signal, the noise of the amplifier itself may be very serious, so it is hoped that this noise will be reduced to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the output.
  • Application: LNA for the main mobile communication base station infrastructure applications, such as wireless communication transceiver card, tower mounted amplifier (TMA), combiner, Repeaters, and distal/digital wireless wide band end equipment application design.
  • This RF low noise amplifier LNA is 50-4000MHz, NF = 0.6dB


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Doğrulama Kodu

SPF5189Z 50-4000 MHz RF Amplikatör

  • Ürün Kodu: SPF5189 Modül
  • Stok Durumu: Stokta var
  • Fiyat : 306,00TL
  • KDV Dahil : 367,20TL

Etiketler: SPF5189Z, 50-4000 MHz, RF, Amplikatör, 20dB, LNA, Sinyal Kuvvetlendirici, Düşük Gürültülü, SPF5189, Geniş Band, Dişi SMA